The Moscow Approach to Taking Down America: Historical Stories

Counter Punch with Trevor Loudon

For all things Communist, Trevor Loudon is one of the best informed, honest, people available that you can follow!

Trevor Loudon relates a series of stories from a New Zealand security agent who infiltrated a secret communist training school in Moscow in the 1980s. He provides insights into Moscow’s approach to taking down America.

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The Moscow Approach to Taking Down America: Historical Stories

After seeing over the blatant Murder of tens of thousands elderly New Yorkers, with no charges filed against him for doing so…… Cuomo skulks away to enjoy the riches he has stolen from Taxpayers

I’m sure the Communists who control him also kicked in for a “golden parachute” retirement program.

Or they’ll just murder him like he did to those old people!

The one thing that your average Communist seems to always overlook is how no matter how important they claim you are, once that you have performed the function they need you for you are expendable.

Why keep “Useful Idiots” around? They have helped you to topple a system of government already!

You see… There’s only one “Fearless Leader” and if you are not him then you are expendable! You have shown that you are CAPABLE of being a threat to “The Party” therefore they retire you…

It’s all fun and games until the hit squad shows up!

Cuomo Resigns! Freedom Toons

Arnold the Nazi demonstrates “The Apple never falls far from the Tree”

“Since when did hospitals turn into jails?”

A doctor from Florida reported on his recent experience in the hospital.  Dr. Stephen Guffanti was entered into Sarasota Memorial Hospital in early August.  During his stay, he was roomed with another individual who had COVID.  The other individual required antibiotics for pneumonia he contracted but the hospital refused to order him the badly needed drugs.

The doctor offered to represent the 50-year-old patient but the hospital continued to not address the man’s pneumonia.  When the doctor offered to help the man, the hospital put the doctor in restraints until they decided how to deal with him.

This unbelievable story appears to be an effort by those in power to COVID-Kill the middle-aged man by not providing to him the anti-biotics needed to kill pneumonia.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Doctor in Sarasota Hospital Witnesses a 50-Year-Old Man Being ‘COVID Killed’ by Hospital Personnel – Doctor Restrained When He Advocates for Patient (VIDEO)

Hero Ted Cruz Blocks Democrat Party’s Attempt to Takeover and Ruin America’s Elections

Before we get to the Communist scumbag and criminal Eric Holder, who helped Obama to start the narrative of “White Supremacy” in an America where it didn’t exist

I want to encourage EVERYONE to rent / stream / buy “What Killed Michael Brown” a documentary by a real civil rights leader, Mr. Shelby Steele! He did an excellent job with his son Eli on this documentary!

I lived through Obama, The radical Obama Regime is what forced me into politics! Obama is a Communist and a first rate scumbag of the highest order! I don’t like his WHITE HALF any more than I like his Black Half!

My best friend is black, but for 8 years I was forced to hear about how anyone who disagreed with Obama’s Unconstitutional policies and objectives to destroy America was a “Racist” because apparently you cannot disagree with black folks or you become a “Racist!

It was all part of a well orchestrated plan created by Evil men to destroy this country! Barry and Eric Holder spent a massive amount of time and energy to promote the narrative that America is a racist country, and then he actually PAID THE MEDIA in his “Stimulus Bill” to spew his narrative from then on!

Did you know that while Obama was in office that the Traitor filled 112th Congress also signed into law the Traitorous “Smith-Mundt Modernization Act” which repealed the earlier “Smith-Mundt Act” which made it illegal to disseminate Propaganda to the American people?

That is correct, HR 5736 or The “Smith-Mundt Modernization Act” actually repealed the earlier bill which made it illegal for government Agencies to disseminate Propaganda to the American People (Their bosses)

HR 5736 ALLOWED GOVERNMENT to lie and deceive the American People using Propaganda through basically any form of communications! Including television, radio, social media etc…. Basically anywhere people communicate, they can lie to you since the passage of this Traitorous Act in 2012, and it was slipped into the NDAA in 2013 so it could get unlimited funding!

So if you’ve ever wondered why media went straight to hell about 2010… Now you know!

And as a side note, have you noticed that since Propaganda and LIES are now legal from government employees more mass shootings have occurred since Barrack Hussein Obama became President than in all of history before that time? Pretty coincidental no?

Dirtbag Eric Holder: Citizens Need to Be in the Streets Getting Arrested to Preserve the Democrat Party’s Right to Steal Elections

HR 5736 The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act

Until this Act is repealed the American People cannot believe anything their own government tells them! So repealing this act should be JOB #1!

Without repealing this Act you can NEVER AGAIN believe your government or anything they say!

It has to be Job #1 right behind the STOLEN 2020 Election and the Audits!

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