Public International Order to Cease and Desist

Reposted from

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Public International Order to Cease and Desist

 By Anna Von Reitz

Our sovereign nation-states as referenced in Federal Code 28 USC 297(b) are organic entities and separate countries.   They each hold general jurisdiction over all air, land, and sea jurisdictions associated with them.

We, Americans living in these nation-states, take their nationality from their nation-state and its instrumentality in international jurisdiction, which is their State of the Union (1776).  Each American is thus considered a Wisconsinite. Or a New Yorker.  Or a Minnesotan. Or a native of one of the other fifty (50) now formally enrolled and physically defined States of the Union.  

We are born as nationals of The United States.  We are not born as a Federal U.S. Citizen or citizen of the United States, and misrepresentations of us as such obtained by undisclosed processes of registration by undeclared foreign agents cannot serve to alienate us from our birthright political status.  

Mischaracterization of our native political status is a crime of state subject to capital punishment under international law, and is prohibited under both the Hague and Geneva Conventions.    

We, Americans, don’t live in a democracy.  

We, Americans, don’t live in a theocracy. 

We are not natives of the District of Columbia nor are we naturally subject to any military or municipal district artificially constructed by any foreign democracy or theocracy as an unauthorized usurpation upon our sovereign nation-states and impinging on our Territory, using such excuses as “wars” against drugs and poverty, emergencies, or self-interested and undisclosed registrations of our property, all the way up to claims of material ownership interest in our children and physical bodies and souls. 

These reprehensible and unsupportable acts of unlawful conversion, redefinition, labeling, and dehumanization serving to profit foreign interests that in fact owe us good faith and service, are crimes of state and crimes in commerce and crimes at sea that are well-recognized as crimes throughout the world.  

We are not employees nor dependents of any foreign municipal corporation; we don’t stand under any Federal Constitutions. 

Our nation-states and we individually stand under the Unanimous Declaration of Independence and claim the Peace Treaties and Contracts owed to us ever since The War of Independence. 

We are not subject to salvage claims nor in need of salvage; we do not generally entertain any contracts in Special Admiralty or Maritime Commerce and no such contracts can be presumed to exist until proven in open evidence in a court of Public Law.  

If we choose to act as citizens of our nation-states, we do so as state nationals and are still known to be state nationals; and if we choose to serve our state in international jurisdiction as a State Citizen, we are still known to be State Nationals of Maine, New Hampshire, Florida, et alia.  

Only foreign corporations and their employees and dependents stand under the Federal Constitutions. 

Only such employees and dependents stand under the associated State of State franchise Constitutions, too.  

We are not to be confused with our public employees. 

We are the population of the General Public of each nation-state and of the Union of nation-states and of the Federation of Nation-States formed under our mutual powers agreements, and operating in national and international jurisdictions respectively.  

Any Americans choosing to stand as United States Citizens under the provisions of the Second Naturalization Act and United States Statutes at Large do so as willing foreigners in the service of the States of America and its Federal Republic Subcontractor in receipt of The Constitution for the united States of America.  

However, the States of America Confederation and the Federal Republic in receipt of The Constitution for the united States of America have been dormant since April of 1861 and are uninhabited and vacated at this time, so that any delegation of authority vested in these entities prior to 1861 has long-since returned by Operation of Law to the unincorporated Federation of States that conferred the delegated powers in the first place. 

Thus, any “misunderstanding” occasioned by the absence of the United States Citizens referenced in the Second Naturalization Act, and the absence of the Federal Republic delegations operating as the United States in Congress Assembled,  and any associated claims that our nation-states are “absent” or “in interregnum” or any suppositions that our assets and lands are abandoned and subject to salvage by any party at all, are also mistaken.  

Any misrepresentations otherwise are hereby summarily returned to the senders; our Federation of States again in receipt of the delegated powers that were extended to the Federal Republic, is enabled to do the work itself, to renegotiate service contracts, or hire new service providers for our nation-states.  

We are not under any obligations or debts to the contrary established by persons operating without granted authority and promoting themselves as Executors de Son Tort, including U.S. President Jimmy Carter.  

Anyone who labors under any other set of assumptions and who ignorantly supposes that we, the Preferred Creditors of all these corporations, are employees or dependents of these corporations, is cordially invited to demonstrate their validated and fully disclosed contractual agreements. 

They are otherwise invited to withdraw all False Claims in Commerce, Admiralty, and Maritime, to Cease and Desist False Claims on Abandonment, to Cease and Desist efforts to impersonate us in the manner of a Credit Card Hacker so as to deprive us of our Good Name, our estates, and our other intellectual and material interests, and to Cease and Desist all attempts to ignore the presence, provenance, and general jurisdiction of our nation-states for unlawful purposes of coercion, theft, and unjust enrichment of incorporated entities.

Our various addresses established in numerous jurisdictions and all based upon our General Post Office have been published here and abroad for many years and updated with our Subcontractors and others every ten (10) years.  

Our Head of State and our Fiduciary have both signed the 2010 Postal Treaty of the Americas and have provided contact information for our Government to the other Principals and Heads of State.  There has never ceased to be a Post Master as well as numerous Postmasters serving our nation-states and their unincorporated Federation States. 

Whereupon we Order that all federal employees, federal franchise employees, and employees of corporations registered under federal auspices and federally-controlled state-of-state organizations to: Cease and Desist all legal suppositions, presumptions, and assumptions promoting the idea that our American Government stands vacated, in need of salvage, or is granting any special undefined custodial roles, or any emergency powers to our Federal Subcontractors allowing them to represent us in any matter not expressly delegated specifically to them.  

We do not authorize them to say one word about our health, public, private, or theoretical.  We do not authorize them to dump chemicals in our water or upon our land.  We do not authorize our employees to promote, condone, or authorize war profiteering or war-for-profit, or war for any reason other than the direct defense of this country and its people. Except for some known and limited treaty considerations for our Allies and humanitarian aid which may be extended to them in time of need, there are no exceptions to our defense policies and contracts.   

Despite sea treaties invoked by the United Nations, Inc., lack of authorization is lack of authorization. We did not create the structures and duties and obligations of the Federal Constitutions as a mere guide to our Employees.  It is our objective meaning and intention that they are to be guided in every move and in all venues by their constitutional obligations and limitations.  

At no point in our history did we ever establish a Probate Court or agree to the establishment of a public interest in private property predicated on probate procedures.  Nor have we granted authority to any employee or subcontractor to establish private courts for the prosecution of public trusts established under such a scheme of probate abuse. 

At no time have we agreed to stand good for whatsoever debts our profligate foreign subcontractors have accrued for themselves; our Federal Constitutions make it clear that the Constitutions themselves represent the Supreme Law to be followed by our foreign subcontractors and those service contracts do not allow for any creeping and stealthy expansion of Federal Power or Federal Services or any similar federally franchised State-of-State powers or services, via a process of assumption and assumed accommodation while our State Governments have not been in Session.  

We are not responsible for the debts and abuses of our Federal Subcontractors; we have claimed their debts as debts owed to us as their Primary, Priority, and Preferential Creditors.  This means that instead of them being enabled to pass the costs of their numerous bankruptcies off to us, as “presumed” Secondaries,  they have to pay back all the money and assets they have purloined from us and/or yield to our receivership claims via liquidation or forfeiture of their corporation assets and franchises for our benefit. 

As disruptive and unpleasant as this prospect may at first appear to be, it opens up a whole new world of betterment for mankind and peace upon the Earth, for the devils responsible will no longer be enabled to use our own strength against us, and pick our pockets for their salaries and benefits at the same time that they are defrauding, misrepresenting, and bilking us.  

These dishonorable men and institutions have caused much destruction and suffering and have inflicted it without care upon the innocent among us, and they have done this in our names.  

Whereupon comes this solemn Order to Cease and Desist, issued to all Federal Government Employees and Dependents worldwide, including the employees and dependents of commercial and municipal corporations who have registered their businesses under the various parent corporations sponsored by these organizations.  

All of these corporations including the named members of the World Economic Forum and the UN CORPORATION are foreclosed.  Their parent corporations are all bankrupt and not eligible for bankruptcy protection at public expense.  

Similarly, their practice of these criminal corporations of killing their Priority Creditors so as to not have to pay their debts and to instead claim all the “abandoned property” of the dead for use as collateral — which also accesses their own debt owed to the dead victims of these crimes of state and crimes against humanity — and then charge the survivors for their “services” has to be rear-ended by the banks that are also responsible and accountable to us for allowing these criminally inclined corporations to access our credit and engage in these atrocities in our names.  

We call upon all banks at all levels to Cease and Desist providing these criminal corporations with any means to profit themselves or engage in unlawful activities that damage humanity and damage the Earth.  Cease and Desist extending our credit to any incorporated entity that does not honor all requirements of our Federal Constitutions or which fails to use these resources appropriately and according to the limitations of these same venerable contracts. 

Defense according to our definitions (Bouvier’s Law Dictionary) does not mean offense.  Truth does not mean lies.  And salvage on dry land is not allowed. We call that “inland piracy”.  

These are basics of our American Law and Justice and they have been present, standing on the books for all to see for the past hundred and sixty years, yet have been so far evaded, mischaracterized, distorted, left unenforced, and undermined by for-profit corporations that have also flaunted the Ecclesiastical Law that allows them to exist, that children selling lemonade on street corners for pennies have been misrepresented as commercial corporations, arrested, and harassed by corporate personnel committing crimes under color of law. 

This madness and all its works and ways must end. 

Those organizations that have profited themselves via lies and impersonation and fraud  and violence including genocide on paper and in fact —via the attempted legalization of piracy and undisclosed processes dehumanization —  it must all be brought to a swift and certain end.  

Cease and desist all support, all succor, all assistance to any incorporated foreign Federal Government entity or personnel caught engaging in any form of harm or wrong-doing whatsoever. These activities individually and severally are all grounds for the liquidation and forfeiture of all assets of these corporations for the benefit of their Priority and Preferential Creditors — the living people of this planet. 

These Orders to all Federal Government Personnel are issued by the living progeny of the State Citizens who are the American Principals and Parties to the Federal Constitutions and who are of lawful provenance and standing to enforce these venerable Federal Constitutions without exception, and who also have standing to enforce the Postal Treaties and to issue asset-backed actual money currencies as well as being the actual owners of all credit created from the basis of their assets.   

All Federal Government Personnel employed by foreign corporations, or established as public employees working for Federal Franchises operated as States-of-States or STATES, or registered as commercial or municipal franchise organizations or operated as banks or courts by these foreign parent corporations seated in the District of Columbia are all operating outside their granted boundaries and authorities.  

These above-referenced entities and personnel are all operating within constructed legal fictions known as Military Districts, which were created without authority by the British Territorial Rump Congress in violation of the Supreme Law of the Land and without a valid Egress Treaty with our Principals, and they must Cease and Desist their unlawful activities immediately or stand foreclosed without any privilege to re-incorporate or assign their assets. 

All Federal Government Personnel operating off-shore are similarly responsible for immediately examining their activities in light of the Constitutions which provide the basis for their existence as institutions and as corporations and as individual “persons”. 

All Federal Government Personnel and franchise personnel are summoned and requested and required to Cease and Desist all so-called extra-constitutional activities, including all repugnant private commercial claims resulting from the expenditure of Federal Government resources. 

Individuals employed by public institutions including Universities, hospitals, agencies and laboratories who have been allowed to patent and individually profit from discoveries made while working for our public institutions and corporations and who have had improper profit motives to create and weaponize their inventions to harm the public whose purse supported them and their institutions, are criminals no matter what opinions their own incorporated “supreme court” might have.  

The politicization of science and the lies told to the public concerning global warming, scalar technology, oil reserves, cancer, and other topics, is a form of virulent criminal institutionalized fraud carried out under color of law.  

The opportunity afforded the criminals to patent criminal technologies and profit from them is a travesty unknown to civilization prior to this; this includes all commercial claims promoted by DARPA asserting that living people who have ingested patented mRNA without the benefit of full disclosure are rendered Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and labelled (by DARPA) as “Transhumans” and thereby not owed basic Human Rights is a criminal assertion and process for which all those responsible must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Public Law. 

The depth of the treason against law, country, and reason displayed by these so-called scientists and military and corporate officers is beyond any description and the only motive for these gross lies and murders appears to be a trivial profit motive based on individual and institutional greed.   

All Federal Government, franchise government, agency, and corporate personnel are hereby warned and ordered to Cease and Desist

Specifically, officers and employees of the FDA, NIH, CDC, AMA, FEMA, ALPHABET, INC., Alphabet, Inc., University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, Fort Detrick, Glaxo-Smith-Klein, Inc. and Successors, Mindbox, Inc., MINDBOX,  Black Rock, Inc. and Successors however named and styled, Pfizer, Inc., Moderna, Inc., Johnson and Johnson, Inc., Astrazeneca, Inc.,  the Soros Foundation, Clinton Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, UN CORP, United Nations, Inc., WHO, INC., World Health Organization, Inc., FRANCISCUS, estate of ELIZABETH II,  CBS, ABC, NBC, Reuters, BBC, IRS,INC., Internal Revenue Service, Inc.,  and associated and affiliated corporations, agencies, banks, and persons responsible for committing and covering up acts of genocide, war for profit, mercenary operations, misuse of our Patent Office to allow criminal patents, SERCO, which has been instrumental in this mismanagement of our Patent Office, and individuals too numerous to individually address in this Public International Order to Cease and Desist are hereby given Fair Warning and are Ordered to Cease and Desist whether on land or at sea or in the air.  

All Americans born in one of our nation-states will be held 100% commercially and individually liable for criminal and immoral behavior resulting in harm to the Earth and harm to other living people, regardless of whatever legislated protections they and their corporations, managers, governors and directors may have attempted to provide for their illegal, unlawful, and immoral acts and claims seeking unjust enrichment and coercive power.  

Our Courts of General Jurisdiction are reopening and our Constitutional Contracts and Guarantees are being enforced, quite apart from any individual discretion.  Our contracts are not optional for government contractors. 

This is the last time that we shall issue such a warning or provide our public employees with such an explicit and detailed description of the wrongs they are committing, and the consequences thereof. 

This is the last time we shall provide Federal Personnel and Agents with Orders to Cease and Desist which may be relied upon in international court to excuse them from obeying any criminal orders issued to them by corporate, agency, institutional or departmental managers. 

Despite explicit warnings given to organizations and individuals engaged in promoting war profiteering, poisoning the environment, selling “snake oil” vaccines, lying to the public about scientific topics for profit, committing acts of industrial espionage, acts of weather warfare disguised as technology tests, deployment of scalar weapons tests on domestic populations, undisclosed chemical and genetic tests on domestic populations, and similar crimes advanced under color of law — rogue agencies and departments, corporate interests and individuals have continued their rampages against the Public Interest. 

Full, explicit, continuous Due Process has been waged and executed since 2005; the major priority liens have been established and cured.  The means to expedite charges is in place. 

Cease and Desist all improper, immoral, unlawful, and illegal activities — immediately. 

Issued by:  Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

                  The United States of America

                   In care of: Box 520994

                   Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 4th 2023


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Is ‘Extra-Terrestrial Invasion’ the next chapter in The Megalomaniac’s Handbook?

Below is a TRUTH that everyone in the world needs to know!

I hate to say it, but here’s another TRUTH to know!

Is ‘Extra-Terrestrial Invasion’ the next chapter in The Megalomaniac’s Handbook?

Let’s not be duped this time.

APR 18, 2023

Is ‘Extra-Terrestrial Invasion’ the next chapter in The Megalomaniac’s Handbook?

Source: Substack Link: Click photo below and check it out!

This is my “Cut and Paste” version. Click the photo above to read the article on Substack and Subscribe to Dr. Tess! She appears to be “on her game” and has lots of articles!

Is ‘Extra-Terrestrial Invasion’ the next chapter in The Megalomaniac’s Handbook?

Let’s not be duped this time.


APR 18, 2023

Lately, have you felt like you are living a movie script? Well, this is because, to a large extent, we are. All that we are witnessing and experiencing has already happened – in Hollywood!

Holy Wood was a place the druids of old went to cast spells, and Hollywood is the spell-casting arena of the megalomaniac cabal, where they cast their spell-binding predictive programming. Pandemic/disaster movies are just one way in which our children and we have been, and are still being, programmed for a miserable future.

I’ve always avoided horror movies, but I typed ‘pandemic movie’ into search engines and found that Zombie apocalypse movies have been a megalomaniac psyop for the longest time. If you think a lot of money has been spent on manufacturing a fake pandemic, it is but a fraction of the amount of money spent on Hollywood movies featuring apocalyptic scenarios about deadly viruses, zombies and even vampires. Similarly, the quick billions grossed from some of these films may be second only to the quick billions grossed by the vaccine industry during covid!

Some may take issue with me calling the ‘pandemic’ fake when people have died as a result of the shenanigans of the past 3 years. However, let’s consider the definition of fake. Fake means to prepare or make something specious, deceptive, or fraudulent.

Everything about this ‘pandemic’ was specious, deceptive and fraudulent, right down to the fake ‘vaccines’ and treatment protocols that actually killed people.

In the last three years, not only have we seen fake pandemics and fake vaccines but we have also seen many fake conflicts (I intend to write more about these soon). So, in my opinion, we really need to be thinking about and preparing for what is coming next.

Let’s get back to pandemic predictive programming. An example of this is the 2007 post-apocalyptic movie called I am Legend, about a re-engineered measles virus that kills most of the population, with some being turned into vampires. Apparently, a sequel (I am Legend 2) is on the cards for this year.

Consider this wicked spell of a film from 2011 called “Contagion“.  “Contagion follows the rapid progress of a lethal airborne virus that kills within days. As the fast-moving epidemic grows, the worldwide medical community races to find a cure and control the panic that spreads faster than the virus itself. At the same time, ordinary people struggle to survive in a society coming apart.” The film is absolutely rotten and a clear example of predictive programming to get people to believe in the deadliness of contagious pathogens and the almightiness of a rapidly produced vaccine as our saviour.

This one from 2016 called “Pandemic”, allegedly about “A New York doctor (who) travels with her team to Los Angeles to find survivors of a worldwide pandemic” is described by one unenthralled critic as “A zombie bash fest”. I’m not recommending that you watch it as even the trailer was too much for me. I somehow doubt this one from 2020, also imaginatively called “Pandemic”, is any less bloody and violent. And finally, consider the blurb about this one called “Final Days” from 2020: “A world in chaos, a pandemic left unchecked and humanity on the brink of extinction… This is no time to be alone! As a deadly virus turns humanity into bloodthirsty plague carriers, it’s a fight for survival.”

What I’ve deduced from recent events is that The Megalomaniacs Handbook is really a playbook of Hollywood scripts concocted to make the cabal’s dreams (where we have nothing, are near-extinct and have to fight each other and fabricated monsters for our survival) come true.

Having unleashed a deadly pandemic, a dangerous genetic therapy, environmental disasters, wars, and more, could the cabal be finding us more resilient than they expected? So, let’s put ourselves in the cabal’s shoes for a minute and consider what script they might follow next to ensure the compliance and wholescale subjugation and terrorisation of humanity.

Patriotism and love have long been exploited by the cabal. In order to achieve dominion over us they will need to unite us somehow against a common threat, but how can this be done when they have spent the last decades dividing and polarising us in every possible way? Let’s look to Hollywood again for the answer…

Ah…here we go. “When powerful aliens launch an all-out invasion, the world’s only hope lies in uniting for one last strike to save mankind.”

Yep – an alien attack should do it. The logline above is from the 1996 movie called Independence Day. Now before you say “They would never do that…”, never go so far as blowing up whole cities; consider for a moment that they thought nothing of blowing up the Twin Towers on 9/11, if you give any credence to the voluminous, weighty and extremely compelling evidence that that is in fact what happened and which led to the deliberately intended outcome of a permanent introduction and acceptance of massively increased surveillance and invasive security controls. Fergus O’Connor Greenwood’s book is certainly an eye-opener in this regard.

Recent sightings of unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) have made it into various corporate media and we know now that they only show us what they want us to see, to prime and programme us for what they want us to believe. So let’s consider where this is leading.

Project Bluebeam, I discovered, was written about by French investigative journalist Serge Monast who died in 1996 at the age of 51 after alleged ongoing persecution by the police and authorities, and a day after spending a night in jail. Rigorous fact-checking has been conducted by the usual culprits in regard to suggestions that Project Bluebeam is a collaboration between NASA and the United Nations to establish total control over humans through the use of epidemics and powerful technologies demonstrating signs and wonders in the sky.

Project Bluebeam is generally discredited as a ‘conspiracy theory’, which is what immediately piques my interest to learn more. As noted in my other articles, conspiracy theories seem to be coming true, left, right and centre, so I am gaining confidence that they can appropriately and simply be coined ‘Conspiracies’, with the conspirators being the cabal who like to think of themselves, hilariously, as “Elite”.

Given the NAZI-style agenda of the cabal, it is no surprise to hear that the NAZI NASA rocket scientist, Werner von Braun, was involved in this anti-human space conspiracy. In the years before he died of cancer he revealed to a junior corporate colleague, Dr Carol Rosin, that the final card to be played on humanity is “the alien card”. Von Braun told her “Over and over”, apparently, to remember the last card saying, “We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens, and all of it, he said, is a lie.” I found this 12-minute clip with Dr Carol Rosin rather illuminating:

So putting myself in the shoes of the megalomaniac cabal and imagining how they are feeling about us ‘awakening wonders’, to borrow a term from Russel Brand, I sense that desperation and fear may be leading them to play their final “alien card” fairly soon, perhaps even this summer. Learning that they worship inversion and that total enslavement is their goal, my punt would be as close to the American Independence Day – the 4th of July – as possible.

In conclusion, to echo a sentiment on the last link in this article, the last battlefield of this war exists in the hearts and minds of the people.

If and when an extra-terrestrial invasion happens this summer, please know it’s fake – don’t fall for it.

Thanks for reading. if you would like to access my voice recording of this article, please consider upgrading to a paid subscription.

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“Aliens” are pure unadulterated BS! Any “Aliens” we encounter here on this Earth are DEMONS!

While I may not be a bible scholar, The Most High has cured my “Blindness” to the wickedness of this world, which is ruled over by Satan! We all need to know that he is currently the “Prince of the Power of the Air” and of this world!

Seek out Yahushua or Jesus, depending on the name you use! HE is our only salvation folks!

John 14:6

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

This is literally “The Owner’s Manual” for Mankind!

My Brother, Rob Skiba is no longer with us but his YouTube channel lives on! His wife and son have taken over. I miss Brother Rob and his vast knowledge! He showed me so much biblical TRUTH! He brought me back to the bible, and showed me many errors in my own understanding of it. A true warrior in Yahuwah’s Army!

Check out Rob Skiba’s “Popular Videos.” They are popular for a reason! None of us is greater than all of us!

@RobSkiba on YouTube

The Father sent brother Rob to me in my time of need!

I’m hoping that brother Rob’s ministry can help you too!

Owen Benjamin Talks PURE TRUTH posted by Taboo Conspiracy

This is a video that everyone needs to watch! Taboo Conspiracy is one of the best TRUTH channels on the internet! He’s a smart guy who produces truthful content that seeks to educate the uneducated!

I highly recommend Taboo Conspiracy to everyone!
And I recommend following Owen Benjamin on GAB or BitChute too!

Folks… The time for calling people “Conspiracy Theorists” is OVER!
ALL “Conspiracy Theories” have been PROVEN TRUE already!

And everyone should know that the term itself was created by the #CIA to smear people speaking the TRUTH when it’s inconvenient for government!

So just STOP IT!
Please swallow your PRIDE and listen to what these HONEST MEN are trying to tell you! Because it’s the TRUTH! And you need to know the TRUTH!

I personally believe that the “Globe Earth” deception is the deception spoken of in the bible! A DELUSION sent forth by Yahuwah himself, to affect those who who refuse to listen the TRUTH of His word!

I was deceived by this delusion for 52 years of my life myself!
It required me to PRAY and ask for forgiveness AND asked to be “shown the truth” for me to ever see the reality of this grand deception myself!

Jesus told us in John 14
13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

And buddy…. He means what he says!
I asked and HE DONE IT! Because Jesus NEVER LIES!

Now it’s my DUTY to try to share this TRUTH with you!’
You are my brothers and sisters, and all I want for you is to know the TRUTH!
And to return to our Father and REPENT!

If you do that, everything I’ve done on this earth is worthwhile!
I’m asking you out of pure LOVE! Please use your eyes to SEE and your ears to HEAR this TRUTH! No matter how crazy you may think it sounds!

I have been shouting this TRUTH from the rooftops for 3 years now!
But people are so brainwashed, filled with Pride, and sure within their false “knowledge” that they simply won’t listen!

The bible tells us in Proverbs 18 that :

13 He who answers a matter before he hears it, It is folly and shame to him.
14 The spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness, But who can bear a broken spirit?
15 The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge,
And the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.

DON’T BE THAT FOOL, lost in the folly of MEN!

The original video: Owen Benjamin Talks Flat Earth – Re-uploaded

Owen Benjamin can be found on GAB at: and on Bitchute at:


I no longer even call myself a Christian!
The word identifies a group of people who give LIP SERVICE to the word of YHWH but don’t live by it! Most are hypocrites who sit in judgement of others while refusing to look inward, at their own folly!

Matthew 7:5 – Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

People with EYES who cannot SEE!
People with EARS but cannot HEAR!

Calling yourself a “Christian” is nothing more than making a CLAIM!
And in most cases…. It’s a FALSE CLAIM!

I get a kick out of the Pope and the Vatican who claim to be “Christians” as they teach the doctrines of devils!

You have a MAN who claims to be “YHWH’s representative on Earth”
He sits on a GOLDEN THRONE as people are starving to death across the world

Ever notice they call it the “Holy SEE”
But it’s in reality an UNHOLY SEA!

What do I mean by this you ask?
Well… The Vatican and the Pope run the world’s system of “Admiralty Law”

The SEA is all the people of the world!
The POPE controls all of those people through deception and “Admiralty Law”
The “Law of the SEA”

It’s as Satanic as anything in this world!
It’s Satan’s system of control which has stolen the FREEDOM of everyone on Earth! EVERYTHING within the world has been usurped through DECEPTION!

WORDS are used to deceive you with, and ENSLAVE YOU WITH!
Because you were taught the Etymology and several meanings of these words

The “Holy SEE” is NOT what the Pope sits over!
It’s the “Holy SEA” that he controls!

Your BERTH CERTIFICATE was used as a “manifest” to claim YOU AS PROPERTY!
You are NOT a “MAN” or a “WOMAN” you are chattel property!

Every Court in America enforces ADMIRALTY LAW!
The Law of Commerce, Contracts, and Shipping!

On the “SEA” the Laws are different than on LAND!
This is why the Constitution is called “The Law of the Land”
But YOU are not on the land! You’ve CONSENTED to be a vessel at SEA!

On the SEA the captain can do whatever he likes to you!
He can have you killed or “walk the plank” for “Mutiny” or whatever!

Your BERTH CERTIFICATE ( That you thought was a “Birth Certificate” ) was used to DECEIVE YOU into CONSENTING to become “property” on a fictitious “ship”
A “Vessel” at SEA!

The ENTIRE WORLD operates under Admiralty Law and you don’t KNOW IT!
So how could you “Consent” to it?

And FRAUD is the entire basis for every “Statute and Code” you live under!

“Statutes and Codes” are NOT Law!
They are Corporate Bi-Laws that ONLY APPLY TO EMPLOYEES of a corporation and to those who CONSENT to enter CONTRACTS with that corporation!

The entire system is a FRAUD!
And we can easily fix it by each of us REVOKING CONSENT and rescinding all contracts with the Corporation we mistakenly call GOVERNMENT!

I highly recommend that everyone go watch the videos of the
“Justinian Deception” and LEARN how birth certificates, admiralty law, contracts, and GRAMMAR were used to enslave the entire world!

It’s time to kick a corporation off US Soil, and
EVERY ELEMENT OF THAT CORPORATION needs to STEP DOWN or be HUNG as the Traitors they are!

Ignorance can excuse them for their crimes…..
Right up until those crimes are made known to them!

When they
then CHOOSE to continue operating under the FRAUD as a foreign military force controlled by a Corporation…. They become TRAITORS & CRIMINALS!

It’s time to put the SEA and the SEE back in the OCEAN where it belongs!
Because in case you didn’t notice… WE LIVE ON THE LAND!

So why are we living under the LAWS OF THE SEA???
Because Satan deceived you AGAIN of course!

EVERYTHING in our country, and especially our “capital” shows you, in plain sight, that this country is controlled by ROME!

Do you see any statues of Moses or Abraham or ANYONE FROM THE BIBLE?

NO…. You see FALSE gods of ROME!
“Liberty” is a weekend pass for SLAVES and MILITARY MEN! NOT “Freedom”

So why do we worship “Liberty?”
Probably because we are SLAVES who enjoy our weekend passes!

FREEDOM is a totally different thing than is “Liberty” folks!
Even the Freemason made Satanic “Statue of Libertus” (Another false god)
shows you that you are a SLAVE!

Look up the photo of this PAGAN idol please!
The “Statue of Libertus” (NOT “Liberty) is the FALSE GOD Attis
A mentally ill, demon possessed MORON who castrated himself


Folks, this is a CULT that has existed thousands of years before you were born!
But it’s the TRUTH

We MUST remove the Pagan Idols from our land!
Too bad that Antifa was not interested in these PAGAN IDOLS!
Which is because they WORKED FOR THE CULT, so why would they remove their own idols? We live in a sick and twisted Satanic World!

I hope that you’ll awaken to these FACTS
You live under Satanic Admiralty Law

( Video is below this Info Meme. This is a photo you should SAVE! )


CharlesFockaert on BitChute produced this video

How Bill Gates functions as a true world dictator

I copied and pasted this article from Stop World Control PLEASE click link to view it there in case I missed something AND to support their work!

Bill Gates dictates the world’s health care, manipulates the news media, infiltrates the food industry, bribes governments, pushes weather manipulation, promotes GMO industry, develops surveillance technologies, calls for digital ID, and a whole lot more. Meet the man who thinks he is God, and who acts like he is the devil.


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Bill Gates has zero medical education, yet he was declared as the leader of the global vaccine plan 2012-2020 at the World Health Assembly. Let this sink in: a man without any kind of medical training is in charge of vaccinating all of humanity. The goal is to create a world where people can only participate in society, if they receive ongoing injections, several times a year. 🔗 🔗

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Bill Gates is the main financial donor to the World Health Organization, which gives him full control over this organization. Bill Gates personally positioned the WHO director Tedros, who was formerly a militant communist terrorist in Ethiopia. The WHO issued the “Pandemic Treaty” which gives them totalitarian control over every nation of the world, every time they declare a pandemic. If we understand that the WHO is essentially controlled by Bill Gates, we know that pandemics basically position Gates as a world dictator. 🔗 🔗 🔗 🔗 🔗

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The WHO can declare a pandemic at will, using any fraudulent diagnostic tool of their own choosing. They for example chose to use the totally flawed PCR test that produces up to 94% false positives, making it the perfect tool to declare a “pandemic” based on inaccurate testing results. This way they can become a form of one world government at will. 🔗 🔗 🔗

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Bill Gates is always the one man organizing “pandemic exercises” right before the exact scenario they planned for, becomes reality. Isn’t it interesting that the man who effectively becomes a type of world dictator during a pandemic, is the same person always “preparing” the world for these pandemics?  🔗 🔗 🔗

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Bill Gates bribes governments around the world, in order to control them. This way he effectively influences government policy around the world. This was exposed in the Italian parliament by politician Sara Cunial, who revealed that Gates controls the Italian president. It was also stated by members of the Nigerian parliament, who said Gates offered 10 million dollars to impose vaccine mandates on the Nigerian population. Gates denied this, but did commit to paying 79 million dollars to “help” Nigeria, after which Nigeria became the first country in the world to bar unvaccinated people from accessing banking services. 🔗 🔗 🔗

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Bill Gates tells all physicians, nurses and health practitioners all over the world what they can, and cannot do during a pandemic, while he himself doesn’t have any kind of medical training. 🔗

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A man who has no medical education whatsoever, never treated a patient, and who knows nothing about medical care, has been appointed as the world’s leading “health” authority, who dictates to millions of medical professionals what they can, and cannot do.

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Bill Gates Gates wields powerful influence over global food and agriculture policy through his funding of a large number of organizations involved in agricultural development, and policy making.  🔗

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Bill Gates “donates” hundreds of millions of dollars to news agencies, which gives him control over what they are allowed to broadcast. This way he can directly manipulate the news worldwide. 🔗

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Bill Gates “donates” billions of dollars to health organizations worldwide, giving him the power to influence their decisions. 🔗

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Bill Gates is building labs where synthetic meat will be grown to feed humanity, instead of natural grass-fed beef. 🔗

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Bill Gates is buying hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland, making him the largest farmland owner in America. He is growing genetically modified, heavily sprayed plant protein to replace the natural grass-fed beef industry. 🔗

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Bill Gates genetically engineers millions of mosquitoes, supposedly to eradicate malaria, but in reality the agenda is to use them to vaccinate humanity.
🔗 🔗  🔗 🔗

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Bill Gates was involved in EarthNow, a plan to deploy a “constellation” of advanced imaging satellites, which will provide real-time, continuous video of “almost” anywhere on Earth. In other words: non stop video surveillance of the entire world. 🔗

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Bill Gates is working on a plan to block out the sunlight from the earth. The excuse for putting the world in the chilling shade is “climate change” which has proven to be a complete hoax. 🔗 🔗

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Bill Gates is pushing the world towards digital ID’s, which will give financial tyrannical elites greater control over people. Digital IDs will become necessary to function in a connected digital world. 🔗 🔗

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The following documentaries about Bill Gates are mind blowing eye openers, that the entire world should see. Watch them, download them, spread them far and wide.

BILL GATES – The Banned Video

This revealing documentary was removed from the internet, nowhere to be found. Censorship seemed to have destroyed it entirely… until it suddenly resurfaced in 2021! Immediately it went viral and is now present on all the free speech platforms.



Very impressive full length documentary by the world’s nr 1 ‘Bill Gates expert’, the investigative journalist James Corbet. He built one of the largest databases of information to expose the criminal elite who run the world:
 The Corbet Report – Open Source Intelligence News.$/embed/whoisbillgates/3a1cd0a2bb84721ab4776a37c0301a58efeac5af?r=HcoQu22F512yEESFxRawFr17n3Va1yqA



From the makers of the world’s most viewed documentary PLANDEMIC comes an equally impressive short documentary about Bill Gates. According to legend Bill Gates built his computer empire out of his garage. Reality tells another story: Bill Gates stole inventions from others, lied and cheated, and took all the credit…. plus of course the billions of dollars.



Although Bill Gates functions as a type of world dictator, it is critical to mention that in reality he is nothing but a puppet of higher powers, who use him for the eye of the public. As you can see in our World Domination report, the true entities who rule the world are obscured financial interest groups: ancient bloodlines, royal families, wealthy industrials, powerful bankers, and so on.

Many books have been written about these entities. There is for example the classic work “Bloodlines of the Illuminati” by Fritz Springmeier, which was released as a PDF download by the CIA. And there is “The 13 Satanic Bloodlines” by journalist Robin de Ruiter.

Download PDF “The 13 Satanic Bloodlines”


Download PDF “Bloodlines of the Illuminati”

BUY BOOK “Bloodlines of the Illuminati”

The 13 satanic bloodlines described by Springmeier and De Ruiter are Astor, Bundy, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, Van Duyn, and Merovingian. Four other prominent illuminati bloodlines are Disney, Reynolds, McDonald, and Krupps. Besides these, there are also royal dynasties like the House of Saud (Saudi Arabia), the House of Orsini (Italy), the House of Nassau-Orange (Netherlands), House of Habsburg (Austria), House of Windsor (UK), House of Schwarzenberg (Germany), House of Glucksberg (Germany), House of Oldenburg (Germany, Denmark), and so on. 

The totality of these entities is generally referred to as
the “Illuminati” or the “Cabal“.

The documentary MONOPOLY shows how investment corporations like Vanguard and BlackRock own virtually everything on earth, giving them a worldwide monopoly. These corporations are in the hands of the aforementioned families. 

The Grand Jury Evidence further explains how these families use sovereign states like Vatican City State, the Bank of International Settlements, the District of Columbia, and the City of London to shield themselves from national laws, so they can operate unchecked.  

People like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Anthony Fauci, and other visible personalities are mere puppets, dancing to the tune of the hidden puppet masters, who in turn are also puppets in the hands of even higher puppet masters. The same goes for organizations like the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, the European Union, which are all platforms for these criminal oligarchs to execute their evil agenda.

Historically the top of the cabal goes back to ancient Khazaria (currently Ukraine), which has roots in ancient Babylon, where black magic was at the heart of the culture. Nothing we see today is new, as it all leads back to the dawn of time, where ancient entities chose to either serve good or evil. The earth is a battlefield, and humanity is the prize. 

The families of the cabal serve the realm of evil, in return for astronomical power and wealth. Although they have the illusion of being powerful, these wealthy “rulers” are essentially slaves of spiritual entities who use them to execute their agenda of submitting humanity to the rule of evil. They are behind the worldwide mind control operation to steer humanity away from our loving and good Creator, through Darwinism, and atheism. They also push genetic manipulation, and transhumanism in order to alter the original creation. The good news is that the era of the cabal is coming to an end, and the truth is breaking through to humanity as never before. 


I personally learned from several individuals who were part of this worldwide system of intense evil, and who came out of it, that the highest level of the cabal or illuminati is not human. These high level whistleblowers from the cabal don’t know each other, yet they shared the exact same information with me. I will not go into detail about this, as it would freak most readers out too much, but let it suffice that at the highest level humanity’s enemies are from other dimensions than the physical realm. Yet they need our energy to thrive, that’s why they prey on humans. 

The answer to this intense evil is to make up our own mind whom we will serve: will we play their game of rebellion, perversion, dishonesty, selfishness, pride, and corruption? Will we keep consuming their dark poisonous entertainment, food, music, tech, and medicine? Will we keep listening to their dark lies about our Creator, our life, and our destiny? 

Or will we make a choice to return to the Giver of all that is good?

We cannot fight these forces of deep darkness in our own human weakness, and ignorance. We need help from the One who is greater than all, but who has been rejected by most, because the pleasures of the dark realm enticed many, and their lies deceived the rest.

It is time to make up our own mind what dimension we will serve. Those that corrupt, pervert, twist, abuse, manipulate, and destroy everything, and bind us to thick chains of addiction, sickness, wickedness, and deception? Or the One who is pure love, truth, goodness, and who wants to restore our world to become a paradise, as it was originally intended? 

The choice is ours…  

Source: Stop World Control

The “Peace Sign” is a Satanic Symbol! Click the Link!


You know….
If you are ignorant and signs and Symbols Satan can tap dance on your forehead and you’ll never know it!

Because the Truth is that:
Signs and Symbols Rule the World, NOT words nor laws!







Drunk Sovereign Citizen gets Busted – Too many People with Cameras

Drunk Sovereign Citizen gets Busted – Too many People with Cameras


AMAZING Psychopathy! We’ve Come to Take Your Rights Away

If you don’t know your rights YOU HAVE NONE!
Police do not serve and protect! They harass and collect!

Government is nothing more than a collection of people who wish to exert “authority’ over YOU!

Allowing police to “turn off body cameras” should be a crime!
A body camera should be active ALL DAY LONG and live streamed to a Citizen Oversight Committee in real time!

And people who who make false police reports should be charged!
EVERY COP should be required by law to pass a thorough test on the Constitution EVERY YEAR as a part of their certification!

They should also be REQUIRED BY LAW to carry a general liability insurance policy to protect against civil rights claims so that TAXPAYERS don’t have to continue paying these lawsuits!

By doing this INSURANCE COMPANIES could hold police accountable by cancelling the policies of officers who have too many lawsuits that succeed against them!

Which would leave them unable to work!

Police will NOT hold each other accountable, but insurance companies would have no issue with doing it if an officer was constantly LIABLE for civil rights violations!

There’s NO EXCUSE for not implementing these measures! NONE!
Other than Police wanting to avoid accountability as they violate the rights of Americans!

#501 Christy Rohn Struthers Court Date SuperIntense

This guy may be kind of irritating, but he’s helping people!
Police in this country ARE THE Criminals!

The lawyers and judges are in on it too!
SOMEONE needs to help these people! And at least he is!

YOUR OWN LAWYER will sell you down the river without even discussing the case with you! THIS is how our Courts work!


Police Officers Can Always Find Jobs at Another Town

A Corrupt Police Officer rarely gets fired! But when they do, they just move one country over! They are called “Gypsy Cops”

THIS is exactly why “Qualified Immunity” should be ABOLISHED immediately, and every police officer in America should be REQUIRED BY LAW to purchase a “general liability” insurance policy!

Because taxpayers would stop having to pay out for lawsuits incurred by bad cops for one thing!

Secondly, after a few lawsuits paid out….. The INSURANCE COMPANY would cancel their policy, leaving the crooked cop unable to work!

It’s an INCENTIVE to follow the law! Police will NOT hold other police accountable. PERIOD!

But insurance companies WOULD!
I install windows for a living, I DON’T SHOOT ANYONE!
And I’m REQUIRED to carry 1 million dollars in general liability to work!

Police KILL PEOPLE! Don’t you think they should be REQUIRED BY LAW to carry liability insurance? Or do YOU want to keep eating the lawsuits as these cops go unpunished AND unaccountable???

Video Shows ATF Preparing To Have Armed Encounters With Home Owners



If you have never watched ALTIYAN CHILDS’ 5 hour long video explaining how he escaped the Cult of Freemasonry and Satan worship then you should!

He explains it all!

People really need to know the information in that video!
It explains our battle of Good vs Evil very well!

It shows you how to identify the enemy!

Will People ever WAKE UP?

Can You Read? Or have you been DECEIVED-INTO-CONSENT?

I believe that we have ALL been Deceived Into Consent!

Do you ever wonder how Government, the Courts, The UN, the Vatican and others seem to get away with things that are unconstitutional, unlawful, and outright illegal?

It’s because there’s no country in the world which has a “Legitimate Government.” The People off the world have been “Deceived Into Consent!”

I have been yelling from the rooftops for a long time now for people to HOME SCHOOL their children, and to make sure they first learn the Bible, Then the Etymology of words, and then Latin!

Ancient Rome never fell folks! It is still ruling over the world through the Vatican and Corporations. People may believe that they have “Democratically elected Governments” but they DON’T! The 2020 Election kinda rubbed it into our faces!

But Salvation CAN BE HAD! First, by asking Jesus Christ (Yahushua) for forgiveness of our sins, then by understanding that this deception, this FRAUD negates all contracts! So by pointing out this fraud we can ALL free ourselves of being ruled by demons!


Now, I KNOW that you THINK you can read!

These are two entirely different things!
And the more Indoctrination (Education) you have…

HERE is a link to a FREE PDF DOWNLOAD of the book he used in the video:

The Chicago Manual of Style

EVERYONE should create an account on PDF Drive! It’s a researcher’s dream!

Create a FREE ACCOUNT or support them by creating a paid account for $3.99 a month! WELL WORTH IT!


You can find Romley Stewart the “Justinian Deception” On Rumble and on YouTube! You should subscribe!

It’s pretty simple really. Freemasons, and the Jews who likely started Freemasonry, including the scumbags like the Rothschilds, Carnegies, and those types of old “Banking” families have deceived the entire world! These people have funded education so they could be sure that there was none. That we would all be “Illiterate” so they could rob us.

I hope you will look into this information because FRAUD NEGATES ALL CONTRACTS!

And it’s the only way we’ll be able to free ourselves… Hopefully without mass bloodshed!

USA INC – Slaves To The Beast Reloaded

Everything about our system, our laws, is derived from ancient Occult practices, likely Babylonian.

I mean why else would US Judges wear Black Robes like some kind of “Priest?”

Why would Barristers and Judges all over the world wear those awful wigs? Making them look like some kind of limp wristed sissy? I will tell you why! It’s because they are conducting a RITUAL!

You receive a “Summons” to go to court right? WHO “summons” someone? You summons spirits of the DEAD! The Court is treating YOU as if you are a spirit, deceased. Therefore you get a summons instead of say “An order to appear.”

Alan Of Salisbury – The Occult Art of Law

“The Great Reset” is all about wiping out the people once again, so the demonic banksters can again steal their assets!

I only hope that mankind learns really quick that we have ALL been scammed! This goes for government employees too! Since there is no “legitimate government” these people are really working against themselves, and against mankind, on behalf of Satanic Criminal Bankers!

Well…. on behalf of the Nephilim who control them! I hope that humanity awakens! NOBODY is coming to “save you” you are going to have to save yourself! We must organize nationwide and fight to end this illegitimate system!

We all have been fearing “The Beast System” but in fact, we are already living under it! Now they just want to cull the herd! Man can NEVER WIN as long as he will kneel at the alter of worthless paper money!

We could agree to trade using anything! We don’t need their paper money! But they’ll keep the world poor so that when they need humanity to “sell itself out” they’ll flop down a few million worthless pieces of paper, and the average man will sell his own mother for it!

What a shame! How far we have fallen. The Devil can only only manipulate those who allow him to do so! He could offer me a TRILLION DOLLARS to betray my brothers and sisters, but I would not take it!

No amount of worthless paper could justify me going against the interests of my kind, my people, God’s people. And God’s word! I’ve lived in a truck before. If I end up outdoors it’d be a blessing to be able to enjoy The Father’s Creation!

As long as man kneels at the alter of Satan’s worthless paper, he will remain his own worst enemy! When Hollywood types join the Illuminati they are required to sacrifice a family member, or have homosexual sex. Imagine… Kill your own blood for money & status!

Stay strong in The Father…. And FEAR NOT!

If YOU fail to TAKE ACTION then you are part of the problem!

How do we hold corrupt Police Accountable?

I have been a “Police Accountability Activist” for many years now, so I KNOW what the real issues are! If we DEMAND and implement these measures, we CAN hold Police Accountable!


If we want to save this country we MUST TAKE ACTION!

These are a couple of posts by my friend on MINDS.COM

Source: @truthfreedompeace on

ACTION PLAN FOR IMMEDIATE CHANGE to counter the corruption , censorship and surveillance by media/tech/finance/pharma giants and politicians:

1)Cancel Cable ,Satellite, or Streaming TV bundles (All channels should be made available individually so consumers don’t have to give money to channels they don’t want to)

2)Do Not donate money to politicians & consider boycotting companies that give them money or pay them for speeches. Some might decide to boycott Facebook,Twitter,Apple,Amazon,Microsoft, Google and Netflix for censorship or corruption issues alone. Consider selling any shares of big tech/media/finance/pharma stocks and invest in the best pro-freedom companies you can find.

3)Bank with small local banks or credit unions. Invest with a broker like Interactive Brokers whose founder/chairman Thomas Petterfy had the foresight to publicly warn about the dangers of Socialist/Authoritarian government and TZERO which was created by Overstock and founder Patrick Byrne to prevent naked short selling and enable same day trade settlement. Buy from small local merchant stores and use cash when possible.

4)Demand an IMMEDIATE pardon for Julian Assange & Edward Snowden and non-violent Vaccine mandate protesters and election fraud protesters & other whistleblowers/truthtellers

5)Join Pro freedom social networks like MINDS and Gab ,where freedom of speech is respected. Follow Zero Hedge,Corbett Report and Project Veritas for pro truth/freedom news.

6)Use web browsers like Brave or Tor rather than Chrome,Safari or Firefox when you surf the web. Use search engines like Brave rather than Google or Bing for web searches. Use an email service like ProtonMail rather than Gmail. Save important online videos/articles/posts to your PC hard drive or phone. Post videos to Rumble, Odysee (LBRY) and Bitchute rather than youtube Shop online at Overstock and smaller independent retailers rather than Amazon/Wayfair

7)Use Linux operating systems like Linux Mint, LMDE, Debian or others on your computer rather than Windows, Mac or Chrome OS (Almost any PC can be switched to Linux). Use a degoogled Android OS smartphone or a”dumbphone” rather than an Apple iPhone or Google Android smartphone. Avoid buying a “smart” TV as it is smarter to buy a “dumb” TV with no operating system pre-installed. Use a Linux mini PC on your TV for video streaming/ web browsing/computing/gaming rather than smart TV apps/ amazon fire tv/roku/google chromecast/apple tv/microsoft xbox/nvidia shield.

8) Do NOT support the phony “War on Drugs” which causes more crime,death,murder,gang violence,incarcerations and enriches criminals while millions of people still use illegal drugs anyway.

9)Demand fair,accurate and transparent elections in which every voter can verify their vote was counted accurately.

10)Demand generic drugs like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine be made available over the counter. Demand NO vaccine mandates.

11)Support a new foreign policy where We The People worldwide unite behind and promote the principles of truth/freedom/goodwill/integrity/humility/Non-Aggression Principle/Golden Rule and focus on winning hearts and minds. Support a worldwide effort to voluntarily help others in the hope that it will win over more people to these principles. Please share this plan of action with others via text,email & social media if you agree. Here is link to share this message.

Thank You It should be very telling that NOT ONE famous “conservative” media personality or politician is promoting an action plan to We The People to encourage simple actions to make positive change and counter all the censorship and corruption,which would be SO EASY TO DO. But they won’t,so I will.

Imagine if a million or more people sold their shares of big tech/media/pharma stocks and invested in the best pro-freedom companies they could find to counter all the censorship and corruption. That would send a LOUD message. It could happen if enough principled people unite and rally behind an idea like this…..

Some examples of pro-freedom companies I believe are worth consideration: Rumble/CFVI -Competes with youtube and google,amazon,apple,microsoft cloud services. Brave/BAT TOKEN -Competes with google,apple,microsoft web browsers and google search Overstock/OSTK -Overstock founder and former CEO Patrick Byrne has came out publicly against election fraud ,

the Deep State and battled years ago against Wall Street fraud. They also created TZERO brokerage to prevent naked short selling and enable same day trade settlement. IMO,it is MUCH more sensible and fair to spend money on products,services or shares of stock of a pro-freedom company because you actually get something of value in return.

When you donate money to politicians or media personalities it is likely that money is just pissed away on who knows what and you get nothing of value in return,just like when cult members give money to gurus and get nothing of value in return.

Here are some examples of censorship/corruption by tech/media giants,but there are many more: Facebook censorship- Apple and Google censorship- Amazon censorship- ‘A Child’s Voice’ producer John Paul Rice blows whistle on Amazon censorship and child sex trafficking Twitter censorship- Netflix’s ‘Cuties’ slammed for ‘sexualizing’ little girls Who Is Bill Gates? (Full Documentary, 2020) Google, Twitter Tighten Censorship Noose on Conservatives Ahead of Election Facebook, Google/YouTube, Twitter Censor Viral Video of Doctors’ Capitol Hill Coronavirus Press Conference “I CAN’T KEEP DOING THIS”: DOCTOR PLEADS FOR REVIEW OF DATA using Ivermectin to treat Covid DURING COVID-19 SENATE HEARING. If anyone can watch this Pizzagate video and not believe it merits investigation,I don’t know what does. PRESS CONFERENCE “NEW FACTS OF INTERNATIONAL CORRUPTION AND EXTERNAL GOVERNANCE OF UKRAINE” regarding Joe Biden and Hunter Biden. Biden touching and sniffing girls compilation – CSPAN FOOTAGE–CSPAN-FOOTAGE:2 “I Am The Target”: Silenced Chinese Virologist Tells Tucker COVID-19 Intentionally Released, CCP Trying To ‘Disappear’ Her Famous Journalist RESIGNS After Outlet Censors Biden Scandal, SLAMS The Leftist Censorship In News. Glenn Greenwald has resigned from the news outlet he co-founded, The intercept. Apple, Amazon join Google in suspending Parler Voatz election system in which every voter can verify their vote was counted accurately. Dr.Robert Malone with Joe Rogan interview. Please share with others. Great interview with Dr.Peter McCullough with Joe Rogan on the dangers of Covid “vaccines” and the suppression of safe treatments. Please share with others. Almost any computer can be switched to Linux from windows,mac or chrome OS. Here are some tutorials but if you feel intimidated by making the switch I would suggest asking a computer literate friend to help or going to a local computer shop. How to Make the Switch From Windows to Linux How to Install Linux Mint Get your new OS going on Windows or Mac Install Gallium (or other Linux OS) on Chromebook All political parties are easily co-opted & corrupted.Things won’t change much until citizens unite behind truth/freedom/goodwill/integrity/humility/Non-Aggression Principle/Golden Rule. My goal in life is to unite people worldwide behind these principles and I hope many will join in this effort. Most politicians who claim to serve the public are really self servants/crony servants. Therefore,We the People should unite behind principles and become an economic force to make change. Social media/networking make this possible. The keyboard is mightier than the sword. We have a short time on this earth,which reminds me why truth,freedom,kindness,forgiveness, goodwill and integrity are of the highest value. Some may say you can’t save the world,but I would say “why not try anyway?” I’ve got nothing better to do

TruthFreedomPeace Platform: Imagine there was someone running for President and Congress in your state that supported the following policy platform:

For example:

1)Adopting an accurate,fair and transparent voting system, one where any citizen can verify their vote was counted accurately.

2)Replacing the income tax with Fair Tax or National Sales Tax or nothing

3)Securing the border (Land,Air,Sea) and securing energy independence.

4)Ending the phony war on drugs, which currently causes more crime,death,murder,gang violence,incarcerations and enriches criminals while millions of people still use illegal drugs anyway.

5)Support IMMEDIATE pardons for Julian Assange,Edward Snowden and non-violent Vaccine mandate protesters and election fraud protesters & other whistleblowers/truthtellers.

6)Making generic drugs like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine available over the counter without prescription.

7)NO vaccine mandates

8)Sound money $

9) Request that all people in all states hold a vote regarding the issue of abortion. Remind everyone that many people object to abortion because a fetus is a human being and they object to them being killed in the womb for the same reason they object to that same human being being killed after they are delivered from their mother’s womb. Ask everyone to please stop killing innocent human beings in the womb.

10)A new foreign policy where rather than military occupation in foreign lands, We The People worldwide unite behind and promote the principles of truth/freedom/goodwill/integrity/humility/Non-Aggression Principle/Golden Rule and focus on winning hearts and minds. A worldwide effort to voluntarily help others in the hope that it will win over more people to these principles.

Random acts of kindness is a great way for a community of people to stand out. Voluntarily helping others can be maybe the greatest topic for people to unite behind and be creative about. Would you vote for such a person?I am not running for any office. The point is, achieving real change will probably require that people start making demands for the support of a list of policies that ANY POLITICIAN INCLUDING TRUMP need to endorse and publicly advocate for in order to earn the vote of the people,IMO.

Please let any candidate that you are considering supporting know what policies are important to you and demand specifics for them to earn your vote. And of course it would also require making sure elected officials back up words with action after stating support for certain policies.

This is why I believe supporting , promoting and rallying behind a platform of policies is MUCH more important right now than promoting individual politicians and their vague claims of “vote for me and I’ll make things better”. And I believe a widely supported specific policy platform will give lesser known candidates who have integrity but minimal financing a better chance to win elections where they can easily stand out by supporting a such a platform.

I would support an individual politician when they endorse and publicly advocate for a platform similar to the one above. Keep in mind that a platform like this could even become popular in countries worldwide because of the internet and I believe that many people throughout the world would support a platform like this. The keyboard is mightier than the sword. Below is the link to share this platform,if you agree.Thank You. ======================================================== ======================================================== ======================================================== NOTE:Some may disagree about ending the phony war on drugs so please hear me out on this explanation of why I think it’s very important. I don’t use any illegal drugs and don’t recommend anyone use them. However, ending the phony war on drugs would greatly benefit the peaceful citizens of the world.

The biggest customers and financiers of the drug cartels who terrorize peaceful citizens in this hemisphere are certain folks from the USA. We The People should constantly remind our fellow citizens of this to hopefully get them to join in demanding an end to this phony,incredibly destructive policy. The phony “War on Drugs” causes more crime,death,murder,gang violence,incarcerations,enriching criminals while millions of people still use illegal drugs anyway.

This current policy is a disgrace and politicians(actors) are not interested in solving this problem. The 3 choices as possible solutions are: A) Legalize and treat like alcohol B) Drug testing C)Both of the above Let the states and the people decide like the Constitution says. Keep in mind that although alcohol is legal,its sale (no sales to minors) & use is regulated (DUI laws/employers can discriminate against alcohol use at work) Why not just treat drugs like alcohol?

Either solution is better than the current policy. The reason I refer to the war on drugs as “phony” is simple. If politicians really believed that people MUST be prevented from using more dangerous illegal drugs they would be advocating for more drug testing and secure borders (land/air/sea)as that is the only rational way to prevent most people from using such drugs. Their bluff is called

By the way… HE’S RIGHT! When I was 12 years old I could purchase ANY DRUG that I wanted EXCEPT Alcohol & Cigarettes because they were legal & controlled!

Learn Guerrilla Tactics in Social Media to Counter Big Tech

We, the American People, ARE THE GOVERNMENT!

The makers of the “Genocide JAB” ALSO OWN THE MEDIA!

The White Race is under Attack – Replacement Theory

Reiner Fuellmich, Naomi Wolf, Peter Breggin Personality Changes In Vaccinated Family and Friends?

Where Did the Rest of the Internet Go?

People don’t realize it…. But the internet has already been “Locked Down”
You CANNOT just perform a search and find materials by “non-authoritative” sources anymore!

The SEARCH ENGINES are lying to you!

If you do a Google search for “Climate Change” it’ll return 2 BILLION results!
The problem is that the ONLY ONES YOU CAN ACTUALLY CLICK ON are all from the UN or climate activists!

You can scroll through 4 or 5 pages and ALL THE RESULTS WILL BE THE SAME stories over and over again…..

Then on like page 5 or 6 it’ll say basically: SORRY: ALL of the remaining results are “very similar” to those we already listed, so you don’t need to see them!”

The internet search has already been taken over!

Republicans are classic “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing”

But we’ll give speeches and tell you how we are going to fix everything, hold people accountable, etc….

Then we’ll forget that, and act just like Democrats!

The Father warned you of “Wolves in Sheep’s clothing” but did we listen?

These demons “speak with a forked tongue” but you never notice because YOU judge them by THEIR WORDS and not by THEIR FRUITS!

And YOU are dumb enough to continue believing these snakes!

At least Democrats are honest about wanting to usher in Communism and Marxism and disarming you!



I know that I share a lot of videos, but TODAY, I suggest that you actually watch these! You’ll be amazed!

I hope that ALL AMERICANS are listening to what Dave is saying here, because we are being INVADED on our Southern Border!

Every American should be demanding
PROSECUTIONS FOR #Treason for every member of Congress and the Federal Government!

The federal government has only 2 jobs…..

They have failed miserably on BOTH COUNTS!
You better be taking action or you’ll wake up in a foreign country!


Tucker: Border crisis is an ‘invasion of our country’

Blood Business

Harvesting the Blood of America’s Poor: Big Pharmas Blood Plasma Business | Documentary

“Qualified Immunity” puts Government Employees ABOVE THE LAW!


Here’s some advice YOU need to take!

Did you know that not even distilling will remove #Fluoride from your water?

The #Government don’t care about YOUR TEETH!!!
They have spent the past 3 years trying to give you a lethal injection!

It’s time to protect yourself and your family from all things “Government”
And really high on that list is stopping them from adding this POISON to your water!

Go read the MSDS for Fluoride! See if you still want to drink it!

I’m attaching one that I found which apparently has already been diluted in a solution of 99.98% WATER!!! Notice first, that it says
“NOT for food, drug or household use “

LOL that’s cuz IT’S POISON!!!

Here’s the link to this MSDS I found

We can either WAKE UP and stop this attack against mankind OR DIE!
What’s it going to be?

This is a book everyone should read! We MUST stop the poisoning of humanity!

Something in the Water: 12 Steps to Ending Fluoridation in Your Town

The Satanic Cabal told us their plan in Utopia2020 US

Keep the Faith and stay strong in He who protects us all!

UFOs: A Demonic Deception

Stay strong in Christ, be of good courage, and FEAR NOT!

The Order Followers and the Corrupt Media

The Order Followers and the Corrupt Media

Free the Jews!

The “Us versus them” mentality is used by more than just Jews! The Police are also trained up with an “Us versus them” mentality except that Police take it a step further, and they produced “The Blue Line” Flag. A symbol. A DIVIDING LINE proudly displayed on it!

You know…. like any Gang, you MUST have a symbol! The “Thin Blue Line” is what DIVIDES the Police from The People! Lines DIVIDE!

Police are FORCED to take the Oath to protect and defend the Constitution BEFORE they become Police Officers…… But the rest of their career is spent training them to do as they are told The Constitution be damned! And trained in an “us versus Them” mentality!

Illegal Immigrant Buses Just Landed At Kamala Harris’ House – Time to send 50 more!


The U.S. Constitution: Pro-Freedom?



The Right to Alter or Abolish the Government:

Ricky Gervais on New Women

Martha’s Vineyard needs to pull up their boot straps!

Has the Government Turned Against You? – News Update

Illegal Immigrant Buses Just Landed At Kamala Harris’ House, Sanctuary Policy BACKFIRES On Democrats


Just be prepared for anything folks!
Lock and Load and prepare for the worst while hoping for the best!



The Right to Alter or Abolish the Government:

Follow the link below to read this MUST READ Article!

I just quickly cut and pasted it, PLEASE go and read it there!

The Right to Alter or Abolish the Government:


Next:   God Makes Nations, Men Make Governments


If I were to tell you without qualification that the American people have a God-given right to alter or abolish the U.S. government or any state government and to replace them with something new, how would that strike you? Would you reject the idea because it is only me who is saying it? Does the idea seem too radical, or too extreme? Would it make a difference if you realized that without this type of radical extremist thinking, there wouldn’t be a United States of America at all? Let’s put it into context:

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are … endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…. That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men…. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. … Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Declaration of Independence (1776).

Still think the idea of a right to alter or abolish any of our present governments is too radical or extreme? Well, some people certainly think so, and they’ve taken steps to make sure nothing like what happened in the American Revolution ever happens again. First, they have taken pains to discredit the Declaration and to restrict the way it is taught in government approved curricula and government sponsored schools (including universities). Second, they have enacted statutes to strongly discourage any “throwing off” of the government, to wit:

Rebellion or insurrection. Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both…. 18 U.S.C. §2383.

Seditious conspiracy. If two or more persons … in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, … they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both. 18 U.S.C. §2384.

Advocating overthrow of Government. Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State … by force or violence, * * * Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both…. 18 U.S.C. §2385.

Just let the above words sink in for a moment. First we have a quotation from the founding document of our nation, beloved and cherished by Americans for well over 200 years, to the effect that people have not only the right, but the duty, to throw off an abusive, despotic or tyrannical government which tramples on their individual rights.

Then we have laws enacted by that same nation having the primary purpose of ensuring that no one ever overthrows the existing government, conspires to overthrow it, or advocates its overthrow – without regard to whether those actions might actually be justified because the government has become abusive, despotic or tyrannical. Which illustrates a truism – the people have an absolute right to alter or abolish any given form of government, but the persons in power absolutely never want people to exercise that right.

It should be painfully obvious this is one reason (among others) why the Declaration of Independence has not been seriously regarded as law by legal scholars for over 100 years (and why it has been denigrated in academia). If people actually took the words of the Declaration at face value it would create all kinds of problems for our modern world, and people in academia, law and government have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo.

Belief in a government of limited powers, or (God help us!) a government that can be discarded from time to time, would put politicians and government workers of all stripes (as well as those in the symbiotic fields of law and education) at risk for losing their jobs – an intolerable risk. That is one reason why mainstream political culture left the worldview of the American founders in the ash heap of history long ago.

However, I believe the Declaration yet has things to teach us that not only have value, but authority, as we deal with the pressing issues of an overreaching, over-regulating, abusive, and dare I say, increasingly tyrannical American government (both state and federal). I’d like to show you that the ideas embodied in the Declaration are really not radical or extreme at all. In fact, it’s not even complicated.

For this purpose, I will assume the Declaration’s statements are not based on mere political expediency (i.e., that the founders just said whatever they needed to say to give their political goals plausibility). I assume the founders were not a bunch of political charlatans – they actually believed what they said and were not deceived in their beliefs either. So in that light, let’s consider the evidence from history and the laws of nature and nature’s God, and see whether we can discover any eternal principles which undergird the Declaration’s statements.


I am not advocating the exercise of any right to alter or abolish our forms of government by force or violence. I say this not because Title 18 of the U.S. Code forbids it, but because I simply don’t need to. The right to alter or abolish is a natural right which is perfectly capable of being exercised lawfully without force or violence.

The laws of nature and nature’s God allow for a way, actually several ways, to bring about fundamental government change peacefully without armed conflict. The most likely scenario for doing such a thing in America would be through a convention of states – either pursuant to Article V of the U.S. Constitution or apart from it through a Congress of States. At the state level, the people can similarly call for a constitutional convention directly.

If we look at the American Revolution, we can see that this is how the founders tried very hard to act. When the Declaration of Independence was adopted, it was brought into existence by the states through their duly appointed representatives. The Declaration followed a long series of events and documents laying the foundation for its adoption, including the Resolutions of the Stamp Act Congress (1765), the Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress (1774), and the Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms (1775). All of which were adopted through duly appointed representatives of the people.

The war, when it came, was not instigated by the American founders. That is, the revolutionaries were careful not to be the military aggressors. Rather, the war was instigated by the British to prevent the American colonies from breaking free from Britain’s rule. For their part, the Americans fought a defensive war, i.e., to defend their right to declare independence against the British attempt to stop them.

So even though a war was fought, throwing off the British constitution in the legal sense was not accomplished by force or violence. But as often happens in life, you may have to militarily defend your freedom to act in the way you deem best. The American Revolution also illustrates the truth that no government official ever views an attempt to overthrow his position as lawful in his own mind, no matter how lawfully it may be regarded in the minds of the people who want him removed.

Looking at our current situation, no form of government can exist for over 200 years without building up a substantial amount of systemic inertia. By this I mean the tendency of all institutions to resist sudden or substantial changes to the direction they have been heading in up to that point.

By definition, any attempt to alter or abolish any form of civil government is a jolt to the system which will clash with that system’s entrenched interests. Further, any entrenched interest will resist alteration or abolition from an outside source. And when that entrenched interest is attached to the power of the sword (i.e., civil power), it will resist violently.

From the vantage point of those employed in government service (politicians, career bureaucrats, civil service workers, etc.), there is little difference between foreign attacks, domestic insurrection and lawful attempts to alter or abolish. Government employees are all part of the system, and foreign agents, domestic terrorists, and advocates of fundamental change are all outside the system. Thus, the response of government employees to all outside agents is the same – eliminate and crush all threats to their jobs. Keeping their jobs is more important than anything else.

Are you surprised that the current U.S. government labels Tea Party members, libertarians and militia groups as domestic terrorists? Don’t be. To public employees, those people are all equally outside the government system who want to significantly reduce the size of government or fundamentally alter the way the government does things. Which ultimately always translates into reducing the number of government agencies and employees, i.e., cutting large numbers of public jobs. To those inside the government, government reduction is a threat.

In a sense, it’s all about the jobs. Not just the money, but the power that goes with the position. Reduce government spending? Cut government programs? We’re not just talking about money in the abstract here – but money paid to government employees to wield power. Since that is their livelihood, and it is human nature to crave power, they will use all the force and violence they can to prevent interference with their jobs, i.e., positions of power.

You can talk about special interests all you want, but it is the entrenched interests you should worry about. Whenever I hear someone refer to government employees as career bureaucrats, a shiver runs up my spine. These are the true government insiders, who view the President as a mere temporary employee, because the bureaucrats will be there long after any President leaves office.

The upshot of which is that every government system – most especially the American system of government – will be extremely resistant to change. And that resistance will be fueled by a desire to prevent being forced to give up money and power. When people aren’t fighting over religion and power, they are usually fighting over money and power, and that is as strong a motivation as anyone needs to make things turn ugly fast.

As a proponent of change (that is, to alter or abolish the form of government), you should expect that even if you are not looking for trouble, trouble will come looking for you. People in power will ignore you as long as they can, then slander and discredit you when that is no longer possible. They will heap economic and legal problems on you in an attempt to bury you under burdens that prevent you from forcefully advocating change. If that fails, ultimately they will use police actions and military force to put down your insurrection.

The astute reader will note that there are no statutes prohibiting an overthrow of the existing government, conspiring to overthrow it, or advocating its overthrow by non-violent means. That is because such statutes are unnecessary. If you work to abolish the government peacefully, the response will be to initiate an attack against you. If you defend yourself against such an attack, you will be labeled the aggressor and be found in violation of the statutes against violent overthrow. It’s all very convenient.

So be warned. As a proponent of fundamental change you must not ever be a violent aggressor or the initiator of armed conflict. If it comes to violence, let it not begin with you. Just realize that violence may be an unavoidable consequence of actions lawfully taken. This should be a sobering thought to all who consider the matter carefully.

Ideas have consequences, and the ideas we are about to discuss in what follows are considered by some to be dangerous and/or extreme. So proceed at your own risk. But as for me, I will not be ruled by fear. Instead, I will follow the example of Jesus:

Source: The Right to Alter or Abolish the Government:


Said Government HAS NO AUTHORITY to make “Exercising that RIGHT”
a criminal offense! PERIOD!!! Full STOP!!!

Vaccines DAMAGE Children! They always have!

This is the full video that the above clip was taken from



The Crux of the Biscuit (On Odysee)

The Malone Institute presents: World Economic Forum Project

The World Economic Forum has produced the largest group of Traitors in the history of the world!

And it’s time to get THEIR NAMES OUT THERE!!!