More Evidence “They” Want YOU Dead!

When your doctor cares more about fictional “Climate Change” than they do about the health of their patients, I’d call that a problem! Wouldn’t you? To do nothing as wealthy and powerful businessmen and Heads of State conspire to KILL YOU is just NOT feasible!

EVERY HUMAN BEING on this Earth needs to be involved in this battle, it is after all, a battle for the future of mankind! A battle between Good and Evil. A battle between slavery and Freedom. A battle between God and the Devil!

If you do not already follow Doctor Vernon Coleman you should! He can be found on BrandNewTube at: and at and also at

The .org site is the newest, but I follow them both! Please help to distribute and share Doctor Vernon Coleman’s videos!

More Evidence “They” Want YOU Dead!



Today is “Catch up on your subscriptions Day”

I want to share with you a few people that I follow, and I manage to pretty well stay up on the latest news through these sources! You’ve gotta have information when you are in an information war!

The following people will give you a well rounded, honest view of things being put out in the news without giving you the bullsh*t which Media always inserts into their version.

Number ONE must go to the BULLSH*T which is being called “Climate Change” and is the vehicle by which governments want to seize ALL PRIVATE PROPERTY and is being used to usher in totalitarian control measures around the world which must be stopped at ANY COST!

Tony Heller has poked holes in every “climate change” fish story the government has tried to sell us for over 100 years! Did you know that your GRANDPA & GRANDMA were LIED TO & MANIPULATED using phony “Climate Science” back in their day, just like YOU are being lied to and manipulated TODAY! Follow and SHARE Tony Heller and Real Climate Science .com!

Tony Heller and

Tony Heller and

Sometimes you have to FIGHT to protect and defend YOUR RIGHTS! That time has arrived in America and every other country in the world! It is time for 8 BILLION PEOPLE to show the Elite scumbags who think they control everything, exactly who controls what! 8 BILLION PEOPLE have a say in their own future even when they are unarmed! It’s time to flex our 8 Billion strong muscles, and tell the elites to jump up there and crow, like the chicken-shit cowards they are!

\It’s time to STOP participating in your own destruction! It’s time to remember that Police and Military personnel are NOT always in a large group, or always in an armored personnel carrier! These individuals go home like everyone else does! These individuals are vulnerable to attack just like everyone else is! These people are traitors, murderers, and thieves who want to KILL YOU & KILL YOUR CHILDREN! “Playing nice” with these demonic scumbags does not seem to work! It’s time to sue every state, sue every corporation, sue every school district, sue every lawmaker, and sue every government agency in existence!

After that it is time to cancel these people! Put their name out there and drag it through the mud! Put them on trial in the court of public opinion as you put them in a Court of Law with a carefully worded civil rights violations lawsuit. Every American Citizen should have several lawsuits pending RIGHT NOW!

If you have not yet filed a lawsuit against the government which has purposefully destroyed American small businesses, lives, livelihoods, and life-long careers over a “virus” which does not even exist then you really need to! You’ll never again have the opportunity to effect change through legal action!

Find yourself a reputable civil rights lawyer and sue your State, City, State Health Department Officials, School Districts, and even sue Judges and Prosecutors who have failed to do their jobs and protect the people in their communities from these illegal, unconstitutional actions which were meant to DESTROY YOU and put your family into poverty, and steal your freedoms and make you into a SLAVE!

The Healthy American Peggy Hall


The Healthy American Peggy Hall on YouTube

This Is The MRC 2021

Turn OFF your television and STOP allowing Hollywood to brainwash you and your children! The MRC speaks truth as the mainstream Media tells LIES and promotes Propaganda!

The Media Research Center

MRC NewsBusters

Freedom is SCARY! The Civil Rights Lawyer John H. Bryan

Shaking My Head Productions

I want to include in this list because his videos AWAKENED ME! I always believed in God and believed in the truth of the Bible and God’s Word, but I was still ASLEEP! Shaking My Head Productions produces videos that will snap you out of your worldly slumber. Your eyes have been veiled, just like mine were!

A sincere prayer to Jesus Christ asking forgiveness for my many sins AND asking Him to show me the TRUTH so that I could share it with others changed my life! Jesus CAN cure blindness and I’ll testify to that, because He cured mine! The Lord God has revealed so many things to me since then that I’m dizzy! I used to think that I was pretty knowledgeable about the world.

I was wrong! I really did not know anything about the wicked world we live in. I’ve learned more about this world in the past month than I did in 53 years of life! Seek Jesus, He alone holds the key, and He is waiting for YOU to open the door for Him! is the website but his videos can be found on Rumble, YouTube, Odysee, and BitChute also. He may be on a few others too, but those get me by! I don’t ever watch on YouTube! I usually use Odysee or Rumble (Or BitChute)

There’s just something about the Chinese controlled Censorship machine called YouTube that bothers me! I simply refuse to allow my voice to be silenced by Communist scumbags like those at Google, Facebook, and Twitter! These corporations are today’s equivalent to the Nazis, only they are WORSE! Hitler would be jealous of the ability of these corporate scumbags to censor the public while selling LIES and Propaganda as the “Truth.”

The corporations which censor Free Speech are in league with the Devil. They are his servants. And Google pretty much made that clear when they removed their slogan “Don’t be Evil.” The only reason I can imagine a corporation like Google would do this is because they want people to “Be Evil”

Space The Final Frontier In Our Imagination!

The Rights and Freedoms blog

Jordan B. Peterson’s students are BLESSED beyond their own comprehension, having him as their professor!

DutchSinse on YouTube will teach YOU to accurately predict Earthquakes like he does! The USGS is JEALOUS of Dutch!

If you live in an Earthquake prone area you’ll definitely want to follow DutchSinse! This guy can accurately predict earthquakes and does so on a regular basis! I’ve watched as his predictions came true and earthquakes actually struck within 250 square miles of where he said they would! The USGS wishes that they had half of the talent this guy does!

The USGS actually attacks this guy on a regular basis despite him accurately predicting earthquake after earthquake, and he even offered to teach them his method! They declined and continued demonizing him! How pathetic! He is definitely someone you should subscribe to so you can stay on top of the Earthquakes! Challenge his predictions if you doubt me! He’ll make a believer out of you after you see his talented predictions coming true a few times!

There are no greater HEROES in America than the 1st Amendment Auditors who video record Police as they violate the rights of Americans and abuse their authority!

I’m not an anti-police guy! I’m a “Equal Treatment under the Law” guy! If a Police Officer does something that I would be taken to jail for, then that Police Officer should be taken to jail! (Just like me) This goes double for judges and politicians!

These people all preach about “Law and Order” and what a hard job police have… Right up until it’s THEM getting arrested! At that time they tell us that they are “Above the Law” that you peasants are required to follow! We write the Laws for YOU, but don’t expect us to follow them the way you have to!

If we break the law we get forgiven! No jail time required! Police Officers can get away with MURDER, sexual abuse, kidnapping, wrongful arrest, theft etc…. and they will never be sent to prison! YOU get found guilty of any of these things and you’ll likely never get out of prison! There is just something about the two-tiered justice system in America that does not sit right with me!

If I’m going to be sent to prison for something then EVERY AMERICAN should also be sent to prison for the same act! Being a police officer, a judge, a prosecutor, or being some wealthy elite scumbag should NOT be a “Get out of prison FREE card.”

James Freeman is one of my favorite auditors. News Now Houston (David Worden) is also a good one! News Now Community

Don Lemon Rushes to Do Damage Control After Joe Rogan Confronts CNN’s Sanjay Gupta on Ivermectin

Vincent James

Bioethics and the New Eugenics

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