Glendale, Arizona Nazi cops abuse an innocent man and go unpunished

Conservative Thinker  02/15/2019

I generally only share stories, I do not do a lot of writing myself. This story had me awake at 4 am this morning, I’m too mad to settle down. Too disappointed in the system to calm down. This is one kind of injustice that we as Americans cannot tolerate! We may as well live in Nazi controlled Germany once we let stuff like this slide!


Nazi style of police brutality on an innocent man video at:

VIDEO: Violent Police Brutality

Glendale, Arizona’s finest pulled in behind a vehicle on 07/27/2017 that had just turned into a motel 6. The officer approaches the parked car and asks “Are y’all staying here”. The occupant Johnny Wheatcroft answers “About to get a room” Wheatcroft is the passenger and is in the front with another man (driver) and in the back seat is his wife and their two son 6 and 11 years old. The next question Officer Mathew Schneider asked is “You guys got your IDs on you real quick?” Wheatcroft asked “Who me?”. The cop then says “All of you”.

The officers then claimed the reason for the stop was failure to signal when turning into the parking lot. The vehicle was actually already stopped when officers approached it. But my belief is that officers targeted these people because of how they looked.

The officers wished to run the occupants’ Identification cards to check for warrants. They could have cared less about a “turn signal”. This was all about checking them for warrants. Unfortunately for the officers,  the man knew his rights, so he asked them what he had done to warrant being asked for ID. The man was a PASSENGER in the vehicle NOT the driver. The police cannot just ask you for ID for no reason, they must have “probable cause” to LEGALLY do this.

Of course the police engage in lying to the public EVERY DAY!!! This day was no different. The officer did not care that he was violating the man’s Constitutional rights. He wanted to see his ID! Because you know, America has become Nazi Germany and you don’t HAVE any rights here anymore.

Johnny Wheatcroft was about to check into a motel room. He makes the mistake of digging through a bag of his belongings. Then Officer Matt Schneider says “Don’t reach in your bag man. You said you don’t have any ID I don’t want you reaching in there”. Johnny Wheatcroft apologizes very cooperatively “Oh okay, I’m sorry”.

Then the cop asked him “What’s your name man?” Wheatcroft questions the officer “Why am I even being asked?” and the cop replies “You said you don’t have any ID (inaudible)”. Then Wheatcroft says “I don’t need an ID bro”. Then the scumbag cop says “Yeah, if your a passenger in a vehicle you need ID”. Wheatcroft asked “Why’s that? I have an ID but I don’t have to give it to you, I’ve done nothing wrong”.

Anyway, then the scumbag (Officer Matt Schneider) says “Well I can take you down to the station and fingerprint you” Wheatcroft is like “For what?”. Schneider says “Because we made a traffic stop on the vehicle brother” And it devolves from there.

Let me tell you something. Police DO NOT have the right to ask you for an ID without probable cause that you have committed (or are committing) some kind of crime in ANY of the 50 states no matter what their law states! You are protected by the Constitution. Unless the police are detaining you they have NO RIGHT to ask for your ID.

Of course cops mostly view you as having no rights, so if you try to assert them they’ll just put a BS charge on you and take you to jail anyway. One way to know if you are being “Detained” is to ask them “Am I being detained?” If they say “No” then you don’t have to show them sh*t!!! Legally anyway. But just like the Nazis, police will find a way to screw you if they want to! So unless you have a camera crew handy, you may want to give it some thought. Here’s a link to a video about ID and the police.

Officer Mathew Schneider apparently has made an appearance on the television show COPS, where they chased a guy and let the dog chew on him for a minute before calling him off. He’s a real prize, but at least that guy had ran and had a warrant. Not that that’s an excuse. Here’s a link to the scumbag on COPS

Video: SCUMBAG Mathew Schneider COPS

Asserting your rights pisses the police off! Especially scumbags like this guy. You see…. He has a small winkie, or he was beat up as a child, or maybe he’s a closet homosexual…. Whatever his problem is he’s going to take it out on SOMEONE!!! Today it just happened to be Johnny Wheatcroft, who THOUGHT he was going to assert his Constitutional rights. Nazis just don’t give a damn about your rights!!! Can you imagine??? Can you imagine if that was YOU??? What about if it was your SON and Grandchildren in that car???

Guys like Mathew Schneider need to be locked in Prison. Using your badge to bully people and take them to jail is MUCH WORSE than people who just bully. This scumbag could have killed that man!!! I know for a FACT he traumatized the guys kids!!!

Poor Johnny and (I think) his wife too sat in JAIL for 3 months because he could not afford bail!!! 3 months!!! Then prosecutors dropped the charges after seeing the horrific footage. But the prosecutor didn’t go after the scumbag bully cop or his scumbag cohorts! A prosecutor has a responsibility to prosecute wrong doing, or so we thought.

If you are a sadistic power abusing scumbag like Matt Schneider you just get a pass in Glendale, Arizona. The FACT that the police department itself not only did not pursue charges, but they actively covered for the guy! I think the prosecutor who failed to charge the cops, the police chief, every officer present that day, and any officers in the department involved in covering it up NEED TO GO TO PRISON!

They should ALL be treated harsher than I would be treated for the same crime!!! Because they are in a position of trust, a position of enforcing the law. They should be held to a HIGHER standard than you and I!!! Check this out, this is their official response to their Crew of Nazi cops sexually assaulting this man and wrongfully imprisoning him and his wife, and sending his children to CPS after violently assaulting their father in front of them. This is their official statement and a 30 second clip of the nightmare where they try to claim one of the Nazis got “Knocked unconscious”. By the way, I’d say he was on the ground because he touched poor Johnny Wheatcroft as his partner was electrocuting him to death, and got a little charge himself.

Glendale Arizona Cover Story LIE

I’ve been up all night tweeting to Trump, the Senators of Arizona, every newsroom in America, along with many public figures and many leaders of the GOP. I’m pissed off about this. Are we as Americans going to sit still for abuses like this that go unpunished? This scumbag belongs at the end of a rope. But since we don’t do things like that anymore at the very least he needs to be prosecuted and sent to PRISON!!!

What Officer Mathew Schneider done to this man and his family is as wrong as it gets short of just outright murdering the man!!! Not only is he guilty of battery and aggravated sexual assault of Wheatcroft, he then locked the guy in jail FOR DOING NOTHING!!!

That’s justice huh? Frigging scumbag Schneider gets 3 days of paid suspension from work, and is out on patrol today, while poor Johnny Wheatcroft sits behind bars because he couldn’t afford the bond!!! I think his wife did too, not sure about that.

Add to that this innocent man’s children got to go to CPS, his vehicle was towed, and most likely (Unless he had a real good friend to pay his bills) he lost his car to the towing company, lost his house or apartment and all of it’s contents. His kids pictures, EVERYTHING! All because of this scumbag cop!!!

Boys in Blue, if you keep covering for guys like this you’re going to have problems!!! America is a nation of LAWS… And the police have to follow those LAWS just like the rest of us. If not, then this country is lost! We may as well get out the guns and ammo and get to it. Because I refuse to become a victim of a bunch of law breaking Nazis like this guy!!!

Enforce the law!!! Even if you enforce it each other. Because preferential enforcement is getting REAL OLD!!! Just like the DOJ and FBI who ALSO selectively enforce the laws.

They give Hillary Clinton and 10 other Democrats passes for “Lying to Congress” even when it has been PROVEN!!! But then you go and ARREST Roger Stone for the SAME EXACT THING! (without the proof)

It’s time to either straighten this country out or draw up battle lines, this kind of sh*t cannot continue. When the people charged with upholding the law are dishonest what kind of “LAW” do you have? I’ll tell you, you have MOB RULES.

You may as well be the mafia.





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2 responses to “Glendale, Arizona Nazi cops abuse an innocent man and go unpunished

  1. Here’s a link to the “hurt” Nazi from the incident above, he’s in the hospital faking a head injury from a water bottle. EVERYONE in the Glendale, Arizona Police Department BELONGS in #Prison for failing to report this!!! And I’m including the prosecutor who let poor Johnny Wheatcroft out of jail (3 months later) because he didn’t file on the officers. The whole thing is sad


  2. The police department said prosecutors examined the case and declined to charge the officers.
    I’d personally like to see them ALL get beaten to death. Looks like the WHOLE GLENDALE POLICE FORCE IS CORRUPT!!!
    How many others are in jail or prison under similar circumstances???
    A “Turn signal violation”. I heard a report that Glendale claimed to have found drugs in the car, but no charges were filed. And heard another story Wheatcroft was in prison over something else (Probably something filed by these corrupt bozos)
    Folks, being a drug addict DOES NOT justify the kind of abuse we saw there! Apparently THEY think it does!
    This is what’s wrong with our system AND the reason we have 2 million people incarcerated in America today.
    Scumbags like Matt Schneider make me want to break the law!!! By finding him and giving HIM what he deserves
    The police force is full of these types!!! There are plenty of good officers too, but I fear there are many more like Matt Schneider.
    He’s the SCUMBAG of the Week!!!
